FreelancingOnline Side Hustles

How Much Can You Earn As A Graphic Designer In South Africa?

How Much Can You Earn As A Graphic Designer In South Africa?

Graphic design is a creative, in-demand skill that can be quite lucrative as a freelance career. But how much exactly can you earn as a freelance graphic designer in South Africa? Let’s analyze typical rates, earning potential, factors that impact income, and tips for getting started.

Average Rates for Graphic Designers

Freelance graphic design rates in South Africa vary based on your skills, experience, niche, project type and client budget. Here are typical hourly and project rates:

  • Entry-level graphic design: R150-R300 per hour
  • Professional graphic design: R300-R600 per hour
  • Expert/Niche design: R600-R1000+ per hour
  • Logo design: R2500 – R10,000+
  • Branding package: R10,000 – R40,000+
  • Illustration: R500 – R5000 per image
  • Advertisement design: R1000 – R10,000
  • Brochure design: R5000 – R20,000
  • Packaging design: R10,000 – R60,000
  • Website design: R5000 – R100,000+
  • App/Software design: R50,000 – R500,000+

Top graphic designers working with corporate clients can command rates of R800-R1500 per hour. But as a beginner, expect to start at R150-R300 per hour or R2500-R5000 for simpler logo and web projects.

Full-Time vs Part-Time

Most graphic designers work freelance part-time at first, eventually transitioning to full-time if they gain enough high-paying clients. Here’s potential monthly full-time vs part-time earnings:


Hours Per WeekHours Per MonthEarnings Per Month
1040R12,000 – R24,000
2080R24,000 – R48,000


Hours Per WeekHours Per MonthEarnings Per Month
30120R36,000 – R72,000
40160R48,000 – R96,000

So you’ll need to work 20-30 hours per week to earn R24,000-R72,000 per month full-time as a freelance designer charging ~R400/hour.

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Factors That Impact Earnings

Several factors can influence how much you earn as a graphic designer:

Skills and Style

Designers with stronger technical skills, knowledge of tools like Adobe Creative Suite, and a unique style can charge higher rates.

Niche and Specialization

Focusing on a profitable niche like logo design or UI/UX design allows you to charge more.

Portfolio and Experience

An impressive portfolio showing work for major brands/clients enables higher fees.

Marketing Ability

Strong self-promotion skills to find clients and sell your services impact earnings.

Client Type

Large corporate clients have bigger budgets than small businesses and startups.


Being based in a major city like Johannesburg provides more opportunities.

Getting Started as a Freelance Designer

Follow these tips if you want to start a freelance graphic design career in South Africa:

  • Build a portfolio to showcase your skills and style.
  • Create a website/online presence to market yourself.
  • Learn the business side – how to price services, write proposals, negotiate with clients, etc.
  • Network and pitch to potential clients. Reach out to brands you want to work with.
  • Join freelance platforms like Fiverr and Upwork to find projects as you build experience.
  • Consider co-working spaces to build community and collaborative opportunities.
  • Focus on referrals – doing great work leads to word-of-mouth recommendations.
  • Develop marketing materials – business cards, email signatures, social media profiles to promote your services.
  • Specialize in a profitable niche. Become known as an expert in a specific aspect of design.


Freelance graphic design can be a lucrative career in South Africa, with top designers earning over R50,000 per month. While it takes hard work and perseverance to build your reputation and client base, the ability to earn a great living by doing creative work makes it an appealing path for many. With the right strategy and consistently great execution, graphic design freelancing can grow into a full-time income source.

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About the author

Kevin is a location independent freelancer, blogger, and side hustler located in South Africa. Originally from Kenya, he worked as a digital marketing developer for 5 years before making the leap to full-time freelancing.

Kevin has been featured in publications like Entrepreneur Magazine and The South African for his work promoting freelancing and side hustles in South Africa. When he's not working with clients or updating Freelancian, you can find him exploring new destinations as a digital nomad.

Want to share your own freelancing or side hustle story? Have a question for Kevin? Just want to say hello? You can contact Kevin and the Freelancian team at:

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