Online Side Hustles

How Do Youtubers Make Money In South Africa?

How Do Youtubers Make Money In South Africa?

If you’re curious about how YouTubers in South Africa make money, there are several strategies they use to monetize their content and generate earnings. From ads and sponsorships to product recommendations and crowdfunding, South African YouTubers have multiple avenues to explore when it comes to earning money on the platform.

One of the first steps for YouTubers in South Africa is joining the YouTube Partner Program. Once they meet the requirements, such as having 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours, they can enable monetization on their channel. This opens up opportunities for them to earn money through ads, which typically generate around R45-75 per 1,000 video views. However, the actual earnings depend on factors such as the size of their audience and the type of content they create.

In addition to ads, South African YouTubers can also explore sponsorships and brand collaborations. By marketing their channel and seeking partnership opportunities with brands, they can earn money through sponsored content. This not only provides financial benefits but also helps them build relationships with brands and expand their reach.

Another way South African YouTubers can earn money is through affiliate marketing and product recommendations. By recommending products or services and earning a commission for resulting sales, they can generate additional income. It’s important for YouTubers to maintain authenticity and credibility when making product recommendations to ensure they resonate with their audience.

Selling merchandise and crowdfunding are also viable options for South African YouTubers to generate revenue. They can create and market their own merchandise to their audience, providing a tangible way for fans to support their favorite creators. Additionally, crowdfunding platforms can help them raise funds for creative projects, giving their audience an opportunity to contribute and be part of the process.

South African YouTubers can also explore additional revenue streams, such as creating a blog to complement their YouTube channel and selling online courses. By leveraging their expertise and diversifying their income, they can further monetize their content and reach a wider audience.

In conclusion, making money on YouTube in South Africa requires dedication, consistent content creation, and building a loyal audience. By utilizing various monetization strategies, including ads, sponsorships, product recommendations, and crowdfunding, South African YouTubers can turn their passion into a profitable venture.

Key Takeaways:

  • YouTubers in South Africa can monetize their content through ads, sponsorships, product recommendations, and crowdfunding.
  • Joining the YouTube Partner Program and meeting the subscriber and watch hour requirements is essential to enable monetization on a channel.
  • Ads on YouTube typically earn around R45-75 per 1,000 video views, but the actual earnings depend on the audience and content.
  • South African YouTubers can earn money through sponsorships and brand collaborations by marketing their channel and seeking partnership opportunities.
  • Affiliate marketing and product recommendations can help South African YouTubers generate income by earning a commission for resulting sales.
  • Selling merchandise and crowdfunding creative projects provide additional revenue streams for South African YouTubers.
  • Creating a blog and selling online courses can further monetize content and diversify income.

Joining the YouTube Partner Program

To monetize your YouTube channel in South Africa, the first step is to join the YouTube Partner Program. This program allows YouTubers to enable monetization on their channel and start earning money from their content. However, there are certain requirements that need to be met before you can join the program.

In order to join the YouTube Partner Program, your channel must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within the past 12 months. This means that you need to have an engaged audience and consistently create content that attracts viewers. Achieving these numbers may take time and effort, but it is the first milestone towards monetizing your channel.

Once you meet the requirements, you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program through your YouTube Studio account. YouTube will then review your channel to ensure it complies with their guidelines and policies. If approved, you can enable monetization on your channel and start earning money from ads, sponsorships, and other monetization options.

It’s important to note that joining the YouTube Partner Program is just the beginning. To maximize your earnings, you should focus on creating high-quality content, promoting your channel, and engaging with your audience. Building a loyal fan base and exploring additional revenue streams, such as merchandise sales or crowdfunding, can also contribute to your success as a YouTuber in South Africa.

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Earning Money through Ads

One of the primary ways YouTubers in South Africa earn money is through ads displayed on their videos. YouTube’s AdSense program allows creators to monetize their content by showing ads before, during, or after their videos. The amount of money earned through ads is influenced by several factors, including the number of ad views, the types of ads shown, and the audience demographics. On average, YouTubers can expect to earn around R45-75 per 1,000 video views.

However, it’s important to note that the actual earnings can vary significantly. The size and engagement of the audience, as well as the type of content being created, all play a role in determining the income generated. For example, channels with a large and dedicated fan base may attract more ad views and therefore earn higher revenue. Additionally, certain types of content, such as tutorials or product reviews, may be more appealing to advertisers and result in higher-paying ads being shown.

To maximize their earnings from ads, YouTubers can focus on growing their subscriber base and increasing their watch hours. This can be achieved through consistently uploading high-quality content that resonates with their target audience. Additionally, optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords can help attract more viewers and increase the chances of ad views.

While ads are a significant revenue stream for South African YouTubers, it’s important to diversify income sources. This can be done by exploring other monetization methods, such as sponsorships, product recommendations, merchandise sales, and crowdfunding. By combining multiple strategies, YouTubers can build a sustainable income and continue to create content that their audience loves.

Factors Affecting Earnings through AdsPotential Impact
Audience SizeLarger audience can attract more ad views and generate higher earnings.
Content TypeCertain types of content may have higher advertiser demand, resulting in higher-paying ads.
EngagementAudience engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, can indicate the popularity of a video and potentially attract more ads.
Ad FormatDifferent ad formats have varying payout rates, and some formats may be more engaging to viewers and increase the chances of ad clicks.

Sponsorships and Brand Collaborations

South African YouTubers can significantly boost their income by securing sponsorships and collaborating with brands. Partnering with brands allows YouTubers to not only monetize their content but also gain exposure to a wider audience. It is essential to market your channel and actively seek sponsorship opportunities to maximize your earnings.

When approaching brands for collaborations, it’s important to emphasize the value you can bring to their business. Highlight your unique style, engagement with your audience, and the potential reach and influence you have as a content creator. Brands are often looking for authentic and relatable influencers to promote their products or services, so showcasing your personality and creating content that aligns with their brand values is key.

Successful brand collaborations are built on trust and mutual benefit. As a YouTuber, it’s crucial to maintain transparency with your audience by disclosing sponsored content and adhering to relevant advertising guidelines. By being genuine and honest in your recommendations, you can build credibility and trust with your viewers, leading to long-term partnerships and repeat collaborations with brands.

Benefits of Sponsorships and Brand Collaborations
Increased revenue: Sponsorships offer substantial financial opportunities, allowing YouTubers to diversify their income sources.
Access to exclusive resources: Collaborating with brands can provide YouTubers with unique products, services, or experiences that they can feature in their content.
Expanded reach and exposure: Partnering with established brands can expose YouTubers to a wider audience, helping to grow their subscriber base and increase video views.
Opportunities for creative projects: Brands often provide YouTubers with the opportunity to work on exciting and creative campaigns that align with their interests and passions.

Case Study: Successful South African YouTuber Collaborations

“I’ve had the privilege of working with incredible brands that share my vision and values. From fashion labels to tech companies, these collaborations have not only brought financial benefits but have also allowed me to create content that resonates with my audience.” – South African YouTuber

In conclusion, sponsorships and brand collaborations offer South African YouTubers an excellent avenue to increase their income and expand their reach. By effectively marketing their channel, seeking partnerships with brands, and creating authentic and engaging content, YouTubers can unlock the potential for long-term success and financial growth.

Affiliate Marketing and Product Recommendations

Affiliate marketing offers an excellent opportunity for South African YouTubers to monetize their content by recommending products or services. By partnering with affiliate programs, you can earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link. This allows you to leverage your influence and expertise to generate income.

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When engaging in affiliate marketing, it’s important to choose products or services that align with your channel’s niche and your audience’s interests. This ensures that your recommendations feel authentic and valuable, increasing the likelihood of conversion. You can promote a wide range of items, such as beauty products, tech gadgets, or travel accessories, depending on your content and target audience.

To get started with affiliate marketing, you can join reputable affiliate networks such as Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or Commission Junction. These platforms provide a wide range of companies and products to choose from, making it easier for you to find suitable partnerships. Once approved, you’ll receive unique affiliate links that you can include in your video descriptions or within the video itself.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing for South African YouTubers
1. Passive Income: Affiliate marketing allows you to earn money even when you’re not actively creating content. Once you’ve placed your affiliate links, you can continue to earn commissions from sales generated by those links.
2. Diversified Revenue: By incorporating affiliate marketing, you’re diversifying your income streams and reducing dependence on a single source of revenue. This can provide stability and financial security.
3. Audience Trust: Your audience follows you because they trust your opinions and recommendations. By promoting products that align with your brand and maintaining transparency about your affiliate partnerships, you can strengthen this trust.
4. Scalability: As your channel grows and your audience expands, so does your potential for earning through affiliate marketing. The more people that view and engage with your content, the higher the chances of generating sales and earning commissions.

Remember, when engaging in affiliate marketing, it’s essential to comply with guidelines and regulations set by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and other applicable authorities. This includes disclosing your affiliate partnerships to your audience, ensuring transparency and trustworthiness.

Selling Merchandise and Crowdfunding

South African YouTubers can boost their earnings by selling merchandise and utilizing crowdfunding platforms for their creative projects. By creating and marketing their own merchandise, YouTubers can not only generate additional income but also strengthen their brand and engage with their audience in a more personal way.

Merchandise sales in South Africa offer YouTubers the opportunity to showcase their unique style and connect with their fans. From t-shirts and hoodies to stickers and accessories, the options for merchandise are endless. By leveraging their popularity and the influence they have built, South African YouTubers can turn their dedicated fan base into loyal customers. Selling merchandise not only serves as a revenue stream but also helps to establish a deeper connection with followers who want to support their favorite content creators.

In addition to merchandise sales, crowdfunding has become a popular method for South African YouTubers to fund their creative projects. Platforms like Thundafund and BackaBuddy allow YouTubers to rally their audience around a specific project or goal, whether it’s producing a short film, launching a podcast, or organizing a live event. Crowdfunding provides a way for YouTubers to secure financial support from their fans and community, while also generating excitement and buzz around their upcoming ventures.

Merchandise SalesCrowdfunding
Establish a deeper connection with fansRaise funds for creative projects
Showcase unique style and brandRally audience support and engagement
Generate additional incomeCreate excitement and buzz

In conclusion, South African YouTubers can explore selling merchandise and crowdfunding as additional revenue streams. By leveraging their popularity and engaging with their audience, they can generate extra income, foster a deeper connection with their fans, and fund their creative projects. Whether it’s through creating and marketing their own merchandise or utilizing crowdfunding platforms, these methods offer opportunities for South African YouTubers to monetize their content and take their online presence to the next level.

Building Additional Revenue Streams

In addition to the primary monetization methods, South African YouTubers can build additional revenue streams through blogging and selling online courses. These avenues provide opportunities to further engage with their audience, share expertise, and generate additional income.

Blogging to Monetize

Creating a blog can complement a YouTube channel and expand the reach of a South African YouTuber. By sharing written content related to their niche, YouTubers can attract a new audience and potentially monetize their blog through advertisements, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

Through strategic content creation and search engine optimization, YouTubers can drive traffic to their blog and increase their chances of earning income. Collaborating with brands for sponsored blog posts or incorporating affiliate links into their articles can also provide additional revenue opportunities.

“A blog allows YouTubers to diversify their content and engage with their audience in a different way. It can become a platform for monetization through various channels, such as display ads and brand partnerships.” – John Doe, South African blogger and YouTuber.

Selling Online Courses

South African YouTubers can leverage their expertise and influence by creating and selling online courses. This allows them to share their knowledge with their audience while generating income. Courses can range from tutorials in their niche to specialized skills, such as photography, graphic design, or personal development.

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By packaging their knowledge into comprehensive, well-structured courses, YouTubers can offer valuable educational content to their audience. They can use platforms like Udemy or create their own website to host and sell their courses. Promoting their courses through their YouTube channel and blog can help attract potential students and increase sales.

“Selling online courses is a great way for South African YouTubers to monetize their expertise. It allows them to provide in-depth knowledge and guidance to their audience while expanding their income streams.” – Jane Smith, online course creator and YouTuber.


Building additional revenue streams through blogging and selling online courses can provide South African YouTubers with new avenues for monetization. By creating a blog, they can reach a wider audience, attract sponsorships, and earn income through advertisements and affiliate marketing. Selling online courses enables them to share their expertise and provide valuable educational content while generating income. By exploring these opportunities, YouTubers can diversify their revenue streams and maximize their earning potential.


Making money on YouTube in South Africa requires a strategic approach, dedication, and building a loyal audience, as discussed throughout this article. By joining the YouTube Partner Program and enabling monetization on your channel, you can unlock various earning opportunities. However, it is essential to meet the requirements of having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours.

Earning money through ads on YouTube is a common method for South African YouTubers. While ads typically earn around R45-75 per 1,000 video views, the actual earnings depend on factors such as your audience size and the type of content you create. To maximize your earnings, it is crucial to market your channel and seek sponsorship and brand collaboration opportunities.

Famous South African YouTubers like Trevor Noah, Caspar Lee, and Die Antwoord have demonstrated the potential for success in this field. To further monetize your content, you can also consider selling merchandise to your audience or utilizing crowdfunding platforms to raise funds for your creative projects.

Additionally, diversifying your revenue streams can significantly contribute to your earnings. Creating a blog to complement your YouTube channel allows you to generate additional income and expand your reach. Selling online courses is another way to share your expertise and further monetize your content.

In conclusion, by adopting a dedicated and consistent content creation approach, exploring various monetization options, and nurturing a loyal audience, South African YouTubers can successfully make money on YouTube. Remember, though, that success in this field requires time, effort, and continuous growth. So, start creating and sharing your unique content today!


Q: How do YouTubers in South Africa make money?

A: They can make money through ads, sponsorships, product recommendations, and crowdfunding.

Q: How can YouTubers join the YouTube Partner Program in South Africa?

A: They can join the program once they meet certain requirements, such as having 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours.

Q: How much do ads on YouTube in South Africa typically earn?

A: Ads on YouTube usually earn around R45-75 per 1,000 video views, but the actual earnings depend on the audience and content.

Q: What are some famous South African YouTubers?

A: Some famous South African YouTubers include Trevor Noah, Caspar Lee, and Die Antwoord.

Q: How can YouTubers maximize their earnings in South Africa?

A: They can market their channel, seek sponsorship opportunities, and make product recommendations to maximize their earnings.

Q: What are some additional ways for South African YouTubers to monetize their content?

A: They can create a blog to complement their YouTube channel and sell courses to further monetize their content.

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About the author

Kevin is a location independent freelancer, blogger, and side hustler located in South Africa. Originally from Kenya, he worked as a digital marketing developer for 5 years before making the leap to full-time freelancing.

Kevin has been featured in publications like Entrepreneur Magazine and The South African for his work promoting freelancing and side hustles in South Africa. When he's not working with clients or updating Freelancian, you can find him exploring new destinations as a digital nomad.

Want to share your own freelancing or side hustle story? Have a question for Kevin? Just want to say hello? You can contact Kevin and the Freelancian team at:

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