Online Side Hustles

How to Make Online In Cape Town: #7 Proven Ways

How to Make Online In Cape Town: #7 Proven Ways

Making money online has become increasingly popular across the world, and Cape Town residents are quickly catching on to this global trend.

The internet provides a wealth of opportunities to generate income through online platforms and digital devices.

Best of all, many online money-making avenues allow you to be location-independent.

So if you live in Cape Town and are looking for ways to earn some extra cash or even start an entirely new career from home, rest assured that there are plenty of options available.

From freelancing services to selling products online, the potential to make money in Cape Town is just a laptop and internet connection away.

In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most popular and proven ways to make money online in Cape Town.

Whether you want to start a side hustle for a bit of extra income or are looking to launch a full-time online business, you’ll discover that the possibilities are endless.

The key is finding the right opportunity that fits your skills, interests, and schedule.

With a bit of effort and consistency, you can leverage the internet to earn income from anywhere in Cape Town.

So let’s dive right into some of the top money-making methods!

Best Ways To Make Money Online in Capetown


One of the easiest ways to make money online in Cape Town is through freelancing.

This involves selling your skills and services to clients as an independent contractor rather than being an employee.

Freelancing is ideal because you can work from home, set your own rates and schedule, and avoid a daily commute.

All you need is an internet connection and expertise in an in-demand field like writing, graphic design, web development, translation, data entry, and more.

There are several popular freelance platforms that connect clients with skilled freelancers:

  • Fiverr – Fiverr is one of the largest online freelance services marketplaces. It’s an ideal place for Cape Town residents to offer freelance gigs starting at just $5. You can sell a wide range of digital services from writing, social media marketing, graphic design, video editing, programming, and much more.
  • Upwork – Upwork is a leading freelance website to find longer term and higher paying freelance jobs. You create a detailed profile showcasing your expertise, experience, and portfolio. Clients can browse profiles and hire Cape Town freelancers for projects on an hourly or fixed price basis.
  • Freelancer – Similar to Upwork, Freelancer is a popular site for finding freelance clients. You can bid on projects posted by clients based on your qualifications. Ideal for freelance jobs like web development, data entry, accounting, design, etc.
  • Guru – Guru has a large database of US and UK clients looking to outsource tasks to skilled freelancers in South Africa. Focuses on IT, tech, and finance related freelance work.
  • PeoplePerHour – PeoplePerHour is one of the leading freelance marketplaces in South Africa. It allows Cape Town residents to create profiles showcasing their services and connect with clients worldwide.

The key to success on these freelancing platforms is having an appealing profile, fair rates, strong portfolio, good feedback, and top-notch client service.

It may take time to get your first clients, but with perseverance you can eventually build up a steady stream of freelance work.

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The income potential through online freelancing is immense, especially considering that Cape Town residents can earn in dollars, pounds, or euros. With full-time effort, it’s possible to generate over R30,000 per month.

So if you have in-demand skills, freelancing in Cape Town is worth exploring!


Blogging is another popular way to make money online in Cape Town. It allows you to earn income passively instead of actively freelancing for clients.

The concept is simple – create a blog around a topic you’re knowledgeable and passionate about, provide useful content to attract an audience, and implement various monetization strategies.

It takes time and effort to build a successful blog, but the long term earning potential can be well worth it.

Here are some tips for maximizing income through blogging:

  • Choose a profitable niche – Select a specific topic that people are searching for online, like finance, health, food, travel, etc. This makes it easier to monetize down the road. Don’t just blog as a hobby.
  • Create high-quality content – Publish posts regularly that provide value to readers. Include helpful information, how-to guides, listicles, and other engaging content formats. Use keywords in titles, subtitles, etc.
  • Promote your blog – Reach out to other blogs for collaborations like guest posts. Promote your content through social media and forums. Aim for organic growth by offering value.
  • Implement Google AdSense – This allows Google to display targeted text and display ads on your site. You earn money when visitors click/view ads. Requires traffic and SEO.
  • Join affiliate programs – Become an affiliate for relevant services/products and earn commissions when readers purchase through your links. Amazon, Clickbank, ShareASale are top networks.
  • Sell ad space – Once you build an engaged following, sell premium ad spots directly to companies looking to reach your niche audience.
  • Offer consulting services – Monetize your expertise by offering specialized consulting packages like webinars, coaching, etc.
  • Publish an eBook – Release digital info products that niche readers will pay for, like specialized guides and ebooks. Leverage your content.

Building a profitable blog takes time and consistency. But it can become a great passive income source with an audience.

As a Cape Town resident, you can tap into the thriving community of South African bloggers and position yourself as an authority in your niche.


Launching a YouTube channel is another excellent way to make money online in Capetown.

YouTube allows creators to monetize videos through advertisements, affiliate links, and sponsorships.

While it does require consistency and dedication to build an audience, YouTube holds tremendous money-making potential. Your earnings can quickly scale up as your subscriber base and viewership increases.

Here are some tips for earning money on YouTube in Cape Town:

  • Select a niche – Choose a specific niche like gaming, fashion, technology, health, etc. This will make it easier to attract the right target audience and cater content/promotions.
  • Set up your channel properly – Include an appealing profile image, description, keywords, etc. Optimize it to stand out in search results and rankings.
  • Create search optimized titles/descriptions – Include popular keywords so videos show up in searches. Write compelling descriptions so viewers will click after searching.
  • Upload videos consistently – Aim to post one or more times per week. The more content you upload, the faster your channel will grow. High-quality over quantity though.
  • Engage viewers in your niche – Participate in comments sections. Collaborate with similar channels. Promote using targeted hashtags. Develop a community.
  • Implement ads correctly – Choose video and display ad formats. Place mid-roll ads and banners strategically. Target placements to maximize earnings.
  • Join the YouTube Partner Program – Once you hit eligibility requirements for views/subscribers, enroll in the partner program to get access to ad monetization features.
  • Leverage affiliate links – Include affiliate links to relevant products in your video descriptions. When viewers purchase through them, you get commission.
  • Offer channel memberships – Fans can pay a monthly fee for exclusive content, custom emojis, badges, etc. This provides recurring income.
  • Get sponsorship opportunities – Once you have a sizable audience in a certain niche, relevant brands may sponsor specific videos and campaigns.
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Overall, YouTube success requires commitment and a consistent posting schedule.

But with an engaged audience, it holds tremendous passive income potential for Cape Town residents looking to earn online.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular passive income stream for many Cape Town residents earning online.

It allows you to earn commissions promoting other companies’ products or services on your website and social platforms.

Here’s an overview of how affiliate marketing works:

  • You sign up to become an affiliate for a brand/retailer/service like Amazon or Takealot
  • You receive a unique link or code to promote offers
  • When someone makes a purchase through your link, you earn a % commission
  • Top programs pay out commissions up to 20% or more

It’s free to join affiliate programs and you can promote offers at your own pace. After making a sale, commissions are paid out automatically based on the program terms.

Here are some top tips for getting started with affiliate marketing in Cape Town:

  • Choose relevant niche programs – Find affiliate offers that align with your interests, audience and content niche. This could be web hosting, travel tours, fitness gear, fashion items, etc.
  • Create product comparison pages – Develop “best product” style content showcasing your top picks and include your affiliate links. Update regularly.
  • Write in-depth product reviews – Share your honest thoughts on products/services you recommend and embed affiliate links to purchase.
  • Promote links through social media – Share affiliate offers on your social platforms with unique links to track sales.
  • Add affiliate links across your sites – Integrate text links and banner ads for relevant affiliate offers across your website pages.
  • Focus on high ticket products – Promote big ticket offers like online courses, software, travel packages for larger commissions.
  • Build an email list – Collect leads through opt-in forms and promote affiliate offers to your list through newsletters.
  • Monitor performance – Use affiliate program dashboards to track your metrics like clicks, sales, conversions, earnings, etc.

Major affiliate platforms include Amazon Associates, Clickbank, Awin, Impact, Commission Junction, and Pepperjam.

When starting out, try promotingjust a handful of affiliate programs that fit your niche and audience. Over time you can add more offers and scale your promotion efforts.

Affiliate marketing takes some upfront work, but in the long run it can provide nice passive income as a Cape Town resident.

Just focus on providing genuine value to your audience.

Selling Products

If you’re handy at crafting, designing, or creating digital products, another best way to make money online in Cape Town is to sell your own products online.

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Ecommerce platforms make it easy to start your own online store without needing a physical shop or inventory. You can even dropship products from wholesalers.

Here are some tips for making money selling products online in Cape Town:

  • Choose a niche store theme – Structure your online store around a specific product category or theme to attract a clearly defined audience. Some examples are fashion accessories, nature photography, yoga equipment, gardening supplies, baked goods, tech gadgets, pet toys, etc.
  • Set up a Shopify store – Shopify makes it easy to create a customized online storefront and start selling. There are plenty of beautiful themes and built-in payment/shipping features. They offer a free trial to get started.
  • Sell on Takealot Marketplace – List your products for sale on Takealot Marketplace to tap into their large customer base. You simply ship items directly to customers when ordered.
  • List products on Etsy – Etsy is a popular handmade and vintage item marketplace. Cape Town sellers can list handcrafted products or antiques.
  • Dropship items – Find a wholesaler that stocks products in your niche and set up a partnership to ship orders directly to customers under your own branding.
  • Sell digital products – Create information products like eBooks, courses, templates, graphics, music and more to sell online through your own website. No inventory or shipping required.
  • Promote through social media – Market your products heavily on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Use targeted hashtags, high-quality photos/videos, captions, stories, and paid ads.
  • Build an email list – Offer an opt-in incentive like a coupon or free product sample. Send regular product promotions, coupon codes, and announcements.
  • Reach out to influencers – Research relevant influencers and pay them or offer free samples to feature your products. This can expand your visibility.

With the right product niche, marketing tactics, and persistence, Cape Town residents can build a thriving ecommerce business online. Consider starting out part-time until sales volume picks up.

Key Takeaways:

  • Freelancing through platforms like Fiverr and Upwork is a great way to sell your skills and services online as a Cape Town resident.
  • Launching a blog around a profitable niche and monetizing with ads, affiliates, etc can lead to nice passive income.
  • Building a YouTube channel focused on a specific niche provides ways to earn steadily through ads, sponsors, etc as your audience grows.
  • Affiliate marketing allows you to earn commissions by promoting relevant products/services your audience will appreciate.
  • Selling products through your own online store or ecommerce platforms like Shopify and Takealot Marketplace leverages your creativity.
  • The key is finding the right online earning method that fits your expertise, interests and schedule. Start small and build up over time.
  • With proper effort and marketing, Cape Town residents can generate substantial income through the internet right from home.
  • Be patient and keep providing genuine value to build trust and loyalty. This will amplify your success long-term.

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About the author

Kevin is a location independent freelancer, blogger, and side hustler located in South Africa. Originally from Kenya, he worked as a digital marketing developer for 5 years before making the leap to full-time freelancing.

Kevin has been featured in publications like Entrepreneur Magazine and The South African for his work promoting freelancing and side hustles in South Africa. When he's not working with clients or updating Freelancian, you can find him exploring new destinations as a digital nomad.

Want to share your own freelancing or side hustle story? Have a question for Kevin? Just want to say hello? You can contact Kevin and the Freelancian team at:

Email: [email protected]
X: @freelancian

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