Online Side Hustles

How to Make 10k in One Week in South Africa

How to Make 10k in One Week in South Africa

Making 10k in a week in South Africa may seem like a lofty goal, but it is certainly possible with some effort and ingenuity.

While a regular 9-5 job likely won’t yield that kind of money in just one week, there are several potential ways to hit this high earning target.

With the right combination of ideas and hustle, South Africans can find creative ways to make 10k even in just 7 short days.

Some key money-making techniques to make R10000 in a week include online freelancing, ecommerce businesses, trading, and taking advantage of the booming gig economy.

With the internet making many things possible from anywhere, geographic location is not a limitation.

This guide covers various practical tips to make 10k in week as a South African. Let’s explore some methods and get inspired!

Ways to Make Money 10k Online in a Week in South Africa

There are quite a few ways for South Africans to earn money online without having to leave the house.

While it takes effort and persistence, the internet provides opportunities that simply weren’t available 10 or 20 years ago.

Here are some of the best ways to make money online from South Africa:

  • Freelancing – There is high demand for skilled freelancers around the world in areas like programming, graphic design, digital marketing, writing, translation, data entry and more. Freelancing sites like Upwork, Fiverr and make it easy to find clients from anywhere.
  • Sell Products Online – You can start an ecommerce business and sell products online. Create your own physical products or dropship other items. Shopify and WooCommerce make it easy to build an online store. Advertise on Facebook and Instagram.
  • BloggingBuilding an audience and starting a blog can generate income from ads, affiliate marketing and selling your own products. You can write on topics you’re knowledgeable and passionate about.
  • Online Surveys – Companies often hire South Africans for giving opinions via online surveys. Sites like SurveyJunkie, Swagbucks and InboxDollars offer this option. Earnings are modest but provide added income.
  • Teach English Online – Teaching English online to students around the world pays decently. Companies like VIPKid, Cambly, Qkids hire South African teachers. Flexible part-time schedules.
  • Selling on Social Media – Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are great for selling products directly. Reach a wide audience in South Africa and globally.
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The key is picking one or two online income streams and executing them well. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Provide real value and the money will come.

Freelancing Opportunities in South Africa

Freelancing from South Africa is one of the top ways to earn great money, often breaking 10k in a week with the right skills and hustle.

The great benefit with freelance platforms is that they provide access to an international pool of clients that goes far beyond just the local South African market. Some top freelancing site options include:

  • Upwork – This is the largest global freelance site covering dozens of skill categories. Sign up for a profile, bid on client projects, and get hired. Popular skills include web development, graphic design, writing, administrative tasks.
  • Fiverr – Fiverr is gig marketplace where freelancers offer specific services as “gigs” that clients can purchase, starting at just $5. Expand with upgrades. Big for creative services.
  • 99Designs – This site is ideal for South African graphic designers to find freelance work. Brands post contests and designers submit mockups competing to win.
  • Flexjobs – A job site for screened remote and flexible jobs with top employers. Mainly professional roles like marketing, engineering, customer service.
  • PeoplePerHour – Freelance site focused on hourly paid projects and longer term contracts. Create a compelling profile and apply for jobs.
  • SimplyHired – This job search engine has a section for freelance/contract roles. Find leads and apply directly to companies.

Building up ratings and portfolio on leading freelance networks is crucial. Deliver outstanding service that makes clients want to re-hire you.

Leveraging freelancing talent can easily help South Africans gain that elusive 10k+ income weeks on a regular basis.

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Starting an Online Business or Side Hustle

Another excellent way for South Africans to make 10k in a single week is by starting some form of online side hustle or small business.

The internet provides the ability to reach customers and make sales globally. Some examples of ecommerce businesses you can start include:

  • Selling on Shopify – Shopify makes it easy to set up a beautiful online storefront and sell just about any product imaginable. You handle fulfillment. Focus on hot selling products and marketing.
  • Amazon FBA – With Fulfillment By Amazon, you sell products on Amazon and they handle shipping and storage. Use Amazon’s built-in base of buyers.
  • Food Delivery – Through Mr D Food or Uber Eats, South Africans can start delivering food from local restaurants. A flexible gig.
  • Dropshipping – Sell products without holding inventory. When an order comes in you purchase from a wholesale supplier who ships directly to the customer.
  • Affiliate Marketing – Earn commissions promoting other company’s products through an affiliate link. Build sites and drive traffic through SEO, PPC, social media.
  • Selling on Social Media – Facebook, Instagram and TikTok all make it easy to market and sell products directly to a large audience.
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Starting even a modestly successful ecommerce venture can easily bring in R10000 in short order. Choose a niche and execute strong customer acquisition and sales tactics.

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Investing and Trading Options

For South Africans with some money to put to work, investing and trading provides another route to potentially make 10k in week, though with higher risk. Some possible options include:

  • Forex Trading – Trade currencies on the foreign exchange market which is open 24/7. Use leverage to maximize positions. Many brokers allow opening an account to start trading forex online.
  • Stock Trading – Purchase stocks and aim to sell them for profit. Identify momentum stocks with technical analysis and place trades through an online broker account.
  • Crypto Investing – Buy cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum and benefit when prices increase. Use exchanges like Luno, Valr, AltCoinTrader. Highly volatile.
  • Peer to Peer Lending – Invest money through a P2P lending platform that lends to individuals and businesses at certain rates. Earn interest on your investment.
  • High Yield Investments – Invest in things like REITS, dividend stocks, bonds and earn regular income on your money. Lower risk than trading.

For savvy investors and traders, markets can provide major short term profits. Have proper knowledge and manage risks wisely.

Use profits to re-invest and scale up.

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Utilizing the Gig Economy

Gig economy platforms like Uber, Mr D Food and Bolt make it possible for South Africans to earn money in flexible ways.

Often requiring just a vehicle and a smartphone, these apps allow earning extra cash week to week or even full-time hours. Some top options include:

  • Ridesharing – Apps like Uber and Bolt let locals offer rides and earn fares. Great as a side business option. Keep vehicle clean and offer good service.
  • Food Delivery – Mr D Food and Uber Eats pay drivers to deliver food orders from restaurants to customer’s doors. Schedule flexible hours.
  • Task Services – Apps like TaskRabbit let South Africans earn cash by assisting with everyday tasks such as cleaning, handyman jobs, moving help, delivery and more.
  • Rentals – Make money renting out rooms, parking spots, cars or other assets when not using them. Sites like AirBnB, TurnKey and GetGo simplify the process.
  • Pet Services – Find pet sitting, dog walking or pet boarding gigs through apps like Rover or PetHero to monetize an aptitude for animal care.

Gig jobs offer a means to put in extra hours whenever you want and earn cash quickly. During busy periods or with hustle, hitting 10k in a week is possible.

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Key Takeaways

  • Making 10k in week in South Africa is achievable through online freelancing, side businesses, trading and gig work.
  • Numerous online platforms provide ways to find income opportunities from anywhere.
  • Building skills in high earning areas like web development, graphic design, writing can unlock top freelance income potential.
  • Starting an online dropshipping business or selling products on Shopify opens up global ecommerce opportunities.
  • Investing and trading carries higher risk but faster potential returns. Use proper knowledge and risk management.
  • Uber, Mr D Food and similar gig apps allow South Africans to earn decent side income flexibly.
  • With the right combination of ideas and effort, a 10k week is within reach for enterprising South Africans.

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About the author

Kevin is a location independent freelancer, blogger, and side hustler located in South Africa. Originally from Kenya, he worked as a digital marketing developer for 5 years before making the leap to full-time freelancing.

Kevin has been featured in publications like Entrepreneur Magazine and The South African for his work promoting freelancing and side hustles in South Africa. When he's not working with clients or updating Freelancian, you can find him exploring new destinations as a digital nomad.

Want to share your own freelancing or side hustle story? Have a question for Kevin? Just want to say hello? You can contact Kevin and the Freelancian team at:

Email: [email protected]
X: @freelancian

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