Online Side Hustles

14 Profitable Side Hustles in South Africa That Pay Weekly 

14 Profitable Side Hustles in South Africa That Pay Weekly 

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you dream of having extra cash in your pocket every week? 

Well, look no further because we have done the research for you! 

In this article, we will be exploring the most profitable side hustles in South Africa that pay weekly. 

Whether you’re a student looking for extra income, a full-time employee trying to make ends meet.

Or someone wanting to earn more money, we’ve got you covered. 

So grab your notebook and get ready to discover exciting opportunities that could help boost your bank account every week!

Side Hustle 1: Create blogs for busy bloggers for weekly income

This can be a lucrative side hustle that offers weekly income in South Africa. 

See, many bloggers are looking to outsource their content creation to save time. An d focus on other aspects of their business. 

You can help these bloggers maintain a consistent flow of high-quality content by offering your writing skills and expertise.

One key advantage of this side hustle is the flexibility it offers. 

You can work from anywhere, at any time, as long as you have internet access. 

This means you can set your own schedule and take on as many clients as you can. 

Additionally, the demand for blog writers is constantly growing.

This means there’s always an opportunity to find new clients and expand your income potential.

Another benefit of creating blogs for busy bloggers is the learning experience it provides. 

As you work with different clients across various industries, you’ll gain valuable knowledge about a wide range of topics. 

This enhances your writing skills and allows you to develop expertise in different niches. 

Furthermore, building relationships with these bloggers could lead to further opportunities such as guest posting or joint ventures.

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Side Hustle 2: Offer online tutoring and teaching gigs

Skilled at teaching languages, music, or even test preparation? This side hustle can be both financially rewarding and fulfilling.

To start with this side hustle in South Africa, you can sign up on various platforms connecting tutors with students. 

Online tutoring websites like, Preply, and VIPKid let you create a profile, set your rates, and offer services to clients.

You can also consider creating your own website or social media pages to attract clients directly. 

The flexibility of online tutoring allows you to choose your own hours and work as much or as little as you want while earning extra cash every week.

Side Hustle 3: Start delivery and courier services

This can be a profitable side hustle in South Africa, especially as many people opt for online shopping and need reliable shipping options. 

With the rise of e-commerce platforms and online marketplaces, there is an increasing demand for efficient delivery services to ensure that customers receive their packages in a timely manner.

This side hustle is particularly appealing because you don’t necessarily need to invest in vehicles or large infrastructures. 

You can start small by focusing on local deliveries using your car or bicycle if the distance allows. 

This flexibility allows you to scale up as your business grows and attract larger clients like businesses that require regular courier services.

Furthermore, partnering with popular food delivery apps, such as UberEats or Mr D Food, can be another opportunity to leverage your delivery service. 

Remember that joining these apps might require certain criteria like owning a compatible vehicle or having valid documentation.

Side Hustle 4: Renting out property or rooms on

Putting property or rooms on has become one of the most popular side hustles in South Africa, and for good reason. 

With the lucrative tourism industry and a constant influx of travelers, there is a constant demand for accommodation. 

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One way to earn a consistent source of income is by listing your property or extra rooms on Airbnb, which allows you to access a large and diverse market.

One interesting aspect of renting out on Airbnb is that it allows you to turn an underutilized or unused space into a money-making asset. 

Instead of letting that spare room sit empty, why not transform it into a cozy guest bedroom? 

With minimal investment in furnishings and decor, you can create an appealing space that will attract travelers who are looking for unique experiences instead of staying in generic hotels.

What makes renting on Airbnb in South Africa even more appealing is the fact that it gives you flexibility. 

You can choose to rent out your entire property while you’re away on vacation or work-related travel, generating income even when you’re not actively managing the rental. 

Alternatively, if you have extra rooms in your home, you can host guests without ever leaving your own comfort zone. 

This option allows for interaction with guests from around the world and opens up opportunities to make new connections while earning extra cash.

Side Hustle 5: Consider selling handmade crafts and products

In a world of mass production and digital dominance, handmade crafts and products have a special charm that can captivate customers. 

Whether it’s jewelry, home decor, or personalized artwork, the market for handmade goods is thriving. 

South Africa is home to a vibrant community of artists and artisans who create unique, one-of-a-kind creations that resonate with buyers looking for something truly special.

What makes selling handmade crafts and products such an attractive side hustle in South Africa is its endless possibilities. 

If you have a talent for knitting or sewing, you can turn your passion into profit by creating custom-made clothing or accessories. 

For those skilled in woodworking or pottery, there’s a growing demand for handcrafted furniture and homeware items that add warmth and character to any space. 

By tapping into your creativity and honing your craft, you have the opportunity to make money and share your artistry with others.

Although creating handmade crafts requires time and effort upfront, the rewards can be substantial. 

Unique handmade pieces often command higher prices compared to their mass-produced counterparts because they carry the individual touch of an artisan’s craftsmanship. 

And you can reach a wider audience and generate consistent sales by adopting smart marketing strategies like setting up an online store on platforms such as Etsy or showcasing your products at local craft markets.

Side Hustle 6: Start offering virtual assistant services

Have you ever considered becoming a virtual assistant as a side hustle in South Africa? 

With the rise of remote work and online businesses, the demand for virtual assistants is skyrocketing. 

As a virtual assistant, you can offer a wide range of services such as administrative tasks, social media management, email management, customer support, and more. 

The best part? 

You can do it all from the comfort of your own home.

One of the major benefits of offering virtual assistant services is the flexibility it provides. 

You can choose your own working hours and take on as many or as few clients as you want. 

This allows you to tailor your side hustle to fit around your existing commitments and make it truly sustainable in the long run. 

Plus, with many businesses looking to outsource tasks they don’t have time for or expertise in, there is plenty of room for new virtual assistants to enter and thrive.

Another advantage of offering virtual assistant services is that it requires minimal startup costs. 

You only need a reliable internet connection, a computer or laptop, and some basic software tools like email clients and project management platforms. 

With these simple resources at your disposal, you can start attracting clients and earning money right away.

Side Hustle 7: Manage social media accounts of busy entrepreneurs

Now more than ever, social media has become an essential marketing tool for businesses across all industries. 

However, for busy entrepreneurs who are already juggling multiple responsibilities, managing their social media accounts can be a time-consuming task. 

This is where the side hustle in South Africa of managing social media accounts comes into play.

By offering your services to manage the social media accounts of busy entrepreneurs, you can provide them with the much-needed relief they need while also making a profit for yourself. 

As an experienced social media manager, you can curate engaging content, schedule posts ahead of time, and interact with followers on behalf of your clients. 

Not only does this allow entrepreneurs to focus on other aspects of their business, but it also ensures that their online presence remains active and consistent.

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Furthermore, by managing multiple social media accounts simultaneously, you have the opportunity to gain insights from various industries and niches. 

This exposure allows you to expand your knowledge and keep up with emerging trends in different markets. 

Also, establishing long-term relationships with these entrepreneurs could open doors for future collaboration or referrals within their networks.

Side Hustle 8: Become a freelance graphic designer or photographer 

Many people have a passion for graphic design or photography, but often struggle to find ways to monetize their skills. 

Fortunately, becoming a freelance graphic designer or photographer can be a profitable side hustle in South Africa that pays weekly. 

And no doubt, there is an increasing demand for visually appealing content that grabs attention and communicates messages effectively.

As a freelance graphic designer in South Africa, you can create eye-catching logos, social media graphics, website designs, and more for various clients. 

The key is to showcase your unique style and skills through an impressive portfolio that attracts potential clients. 

With the ability to work remotely, you have the freedom to set your own hours and take on projects that align with your interests.

Similarly, freelance photography is in high demand as businesses need quality images for marketing materials such as websites, brochures, and social media campaigns. 

Whether you specialize in product photography or capturing special moments at events like weddings or birthdays, there are numerous opportunities to showcase your creative talents. 

Building strong relationships with clients through exceptional customer service and consistently delivering stunning visuals will help sustain a steady flow of work.

Read also: How To Become A Freelancer in South Africa

Side Hustle 9: Offer personalized meal planning and cooking services 

Do you have a passion for cooking and enjoy helping others lead a healthier lifestyle?

Well, offering personalized meal planning and cooking services can be a highly profitable side hustle in South Africa that pays weekly! 

Many people struggle with finding the time and motivation to prepare nutritious meals, and that’s where your expertise can come in. 

By creating customized meal plans tailored to individual dietary needs and preferences, you can save busy individuals from the stress of meal planning and provide them with deliciously wholesome meals.

One key aspect of this side hustle is building relationships with local suppliers to ensure that you consistently have access to high-quality ingredients. 

Clients will have different dietary restrictions or preferences, such as vegetarian or gluten-free diets, so it’s important to stay current on current food trends and nutritional facts. 

Offering cooking classes or workshops on healthy eating can also be an additional revenue stream, allowing you to share your knowledge with others while expanding your client base.

Side Hustle 10: Start a YouTube channel or podcast for monetization 

Starting a YouTube channel or podcast can be an incredibly lucrative side hustle in South Africa that pays weekly. 

Thanks to these streaming platforms and the increasing demand for engaging content, numerous opportunities exist to monetize your creative talents. 

Whether you create vlogs, tutorials, or interview-style podcasts, the key is finding a niche that appeals to your target audience.

One of the biggest advantages of starting a YouTube channel or podcast is the potential for passive income. 

Once you have built up a loyal following, you can earn money through advertising revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. 

Additionally, platforms like Patreon allow your viewers or listeners to support your work directly by becoming monthly subscribers. 

This not only provides financial stability but also gives you more freedom to continue creating content that resonates with your audience.

However, building a successful YouTube channel or podcast requires time and dedication. 

Consistency is key in growing your subscriber base and attracting advertisers. 

You must be willing to put in the effort to plan and produce high-quality videos or episodes regularly. 

Investing in good equipment such as cameras, microphones, and editing software will also contribute greatly to the overall quality of your content.

Side Hustle 11: Provide consulting services in your area of expertise 

Providing consulting services in your area of expertise can be an incredibly profitable side hustle in South Africa that pays weekly. 

The demand for expert advice and guidance is constantly growing, and people are willing to pay top dollar for it. 

Whether you have extensive knowledge in marketing, finance, HR, or any other field, individuals and businesses always need your expertise.

One of the major advantages of consulting as a side hustle is the flexibility it offers. 

You can set your own hours and choose to work with clients on a project basis or through ongoing retainer agreements. 

This lets you easily fit your consulting work around your full-time job or other commitments.

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Furthermore, consulting services allow you to leverage your experience and skills to impact others’ businesses or personal lives significantly. 

By offering valuable insights and strategies that come from years of industry experience, you can help clients solve complex problems and achieve their goals faster than they would on their own.

Side Hustle 12: Become a professional organizer for homes and offices 

One of the most in-demand side hustles in South Africa’s fast-paced world is becoming a professional organizer for homes and offices. 


Well, South Africans are increasingly feeling overwhelmed by clutter and disorganization, the need for someone to help them regain control of their spaces has never been greater. 

As a professional organizer, you will not only be helping your clients declutter and organize their physical environment and enhance their overall well-being.

The beauty of this side hustle is that it requires minimal investment to get started – all you need are excellent organizational skills, creativity, and a passion for helping others. 

You can offer services such as decluttering closets, creating efficient filing systems, maximizing storage space, or even redesigning entire office layouts. 

By providing personalized organization solutions tailored to your clients’ specific needs, you can significantly impact their lives while earning a handsome income.

Marketing yourself as a professional organizer is crucial to attract clients and stand out from the competition. 

Consider leveraging social media platforms like Instagram or Pinterest by showcasing before-and-after photos of your work to highlight the transformative power of organization. 

You could also collaborate with local businesses or networking groups to increase your visibility within the community. 

Remember that word-of-mouth recommendations play a vital role in this industry; therefore, always focus on delivering exceptional service that exceeds your clients’ expectations.

Side Hustle 13: Offer pet sitting or dog walking services 

Another one of the most delightful and rewarding side hustles in South Africa that pay weekly is offering pet sitting or dog walking services. 

As a nation of animal lovers, many South Africans are willing to pay top dollar for trustworthy individuals to care for their beloved pets while they’re away. 

This side hustle allows you to spend quality time with cuddly companions and allows you to keep fit by taking dogs for regular walks.

In recent years, the demand for pet sitters and dog walkers has skyrocketed due to the busy lifestyles of many South Africans. 

This presents a unique opportunity for those looking to make extra money on the side. 

By setting reasonable rates and providing excellent service, word-of-mouth recommendations can quickly lead to a flourishing clientele base. 

Additionally, platforms such as Pawshake and Dog Walking Now allow pet sitters and dog walkers to advertise their services and connect with potential clients in their local area.

So why not turn your love for animals into a profitable gig? 

Side Hustle 14: Start a dropshipping business Shopify platform

Starting a dropshipping business on the Shopify platform can be a great side hustle in South Africa that pays weekly. 

See, dropshipping is a business model where you don’t need to keep any inventory; instead, you work with suppliers who ship the products directly to your customers. 

Here’s how you can get started:

  • Research and choose your niche: Find a product category that interests you and has high demand. Conduct market research to ensure there is enough customer demand and competition isn’t too fierce.
  • Set up your Shopify store: Sign up for a Shopify account and create your online store. Choose an attractive theme that aligns with your brand and customize it accordingly.
  • Source reliable suppliers: Look for reputable suppliers who offer dropshipping services in your chosen niche. You can find them through online directories or use platforms like Oberlo, which integrates seamlessly with Shopify.
  • Add products to your store: Import products from your chosen suppliers into your Shopify store using tools like Oberlo or manually adding them one by one. Ensure that each product has clear descriptions, high-quality images, and competitive pricing.
  • Optimize your website for conversions: Make sure your website is user-friendly, mobile responsive, and optimized for search engines (SEO). Use compelling copywriting techniques to persuade visitors to make purchases.
  • Set up marketing campaigns: Drive traffic to your store through various marketing channels such as social media advertising, influencer partnerships, content marketing, or email marketing. Experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you.
  • Provide excellent customer service: Respond promptly to customer inquiries, process orders efficiently, and handle returns professionally. Positive customer experiences will lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Analyze and optimize: Continuously monitor your store’s performance using analytics tools provided by Shopify or third-party apps. Track sales metrics, conversion rates, and visitor behavior to identify areas for improvement.

Remember that building a successful dropshipping business takes time and effort. 

Stay committed, learn from your mistakes, and adapt your strategies as needed.

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About the author

Kevin is a location independent freelancer, blogger, and side hustler located in South Africa. Originally from Kenya, he worked as a digital marketing developer for 5 years before making the leap to full-time freelancing.

Kevin has been featured in publications like Entrepreneur Magazine and The South African for his work promoting freelancing and side hustles in South Africa. When he's not working with clients or updating Freelancian, you can find him exploring new destinations as a digital nomad.

Want to share your own freelancing or side hustle story? Have a question for Kevin? Just want to say hello? You can contact Kevin and the Freelancian team at:

Email: [email protected]
X: @freelancian

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